Amended Environment Impact Assessment Report (7 original )
Time frame
Waiting time in queue:
Min. 5mn - Max. 15mn
Attention at counter:
Min. 5mn - Max. 15mn
Waiting time until next step:
Min. 10 days - Max. 15 days
Legal justification
Decree No.80/2006/NĐ-CP dated 09/8/2006 of the Government regulating on implement some articles of Law on Environment.
articles 6, 9.2, 9.6, 13
Decree No.29/2011/NĐ-CP dated 18/4/2011 of the Government regulating on Environment Impact Assessment Strategy, Environment Protection Commitment (Vietnamese version)
Article 19.4
Decision No.13/2006/QĐ-BTNMT dated 08/9/2006 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regulating organize regulations and activities of the Council of Environment Impact Assessment.
Article 17
Additional information
Amended Environment Impact Assessment Report will be made by investors based on comments of the meeting's Chairman, which are recorded in the "Minutes of appraisal meeting". After completing, investors submit finalized dossiers again to One Door Unit - Hai Duong Department of Natural resources and Environment for approval.